Nothing Could Stop Him; Instead, He Started Up
By Sadia Noor Joya

“I’m eligible. But not for the workforce; the first thing that people notice in me is that I don’t have two hands.” – Bahar Uddin Raihan
A very well known saying in English is, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Now, how many of us have actually done that? Bahar Uddin Raihan has by building a factory to produce lemonade with the tonnes of lemons he received. It’s high time that we tell the tale of Bahar Uddin Raihan.
Raihan is a young changemaker, residing in Chittagong of Bangladesh, who has already founded two successful startups. A graduate student of History at Chittagong University, he is the founder of the startups Khabar Lagbe and Kemne Jabo.

Khabar Lagbe (translates to Need Food in Bengali) is an online
restaurant that is based in Chittagong, that delivers Bangladeshi comfort food
at the doorsteps of Chittagong residents. It runs through the Khabar Lagbe app. On the other hand, Kemne Jabo (translates to How Do I Go in Bengali) is an app that
provides details of all the public transports, tourist attractions, regional
history and eateries available in various parts of Bangladesh. So, the next
time you visit Bangladesh, don’t forget to use these apps.
Raihan is also involved in community service and has previously run a school
for underprivileged kids in Cox’s Bazar, along with some other like-minded
changemakers. In 2016, his team bagged the best Social Action Project (SAP) award in the Active Citizens Regional Achievers’ Summit organized by the British Council in Bangladesh.

Apart from this, Raihan is an excellent rollerskater and a lifestyle vlogger. Add a pinch of his generous smile and jolly attitude to make his interactions even more enjoyable. At other times, you will find him enjoying delicious biriyani at restaurants.
After reading about all the amazing works Raihan has done so far, you might be wondering about the backstory that pushed Raihan to achieve so much so quickly, right? When Raihan was in fifth grade, a tragic accident robbed him of his hands. It was a day of the holy Shab-e-Baraat (an Islamic religious observation) when Raihan was lingering near his home in Chittagong, waiting for the arrival of the time of the evening Magrib prayers. A bird that was resting at an electricity pole caught his attention. Since Raihan was a kid at that time, he didn’t think much. All that bothered him is that the bird shouldn’t be there, even though he was confident that the pole didn’t have any electricity. Now we are speaking of the time when electricity wasn’t very accessible in the area Raihan lived, and it was just becoming available only at some homes. Raihan didn’t bother much about the electric pole and non-reluctantly climbed up to shoo the bird away. As soon as he touched one of the electric wires, the massive voltage that was running through it threw him off and he landed on the ground, senseless. He was rushed to the hospital but the damage was already done. Doctors had to cut off his hands, one entirely and the other from the elbow, in order to save his life. It was that very moment when misery surrounded him. Raihan had only just lost his dad before that tragedy and was the only child of his mother. Although he resided in his maternal grandparents’ house with his maternal uncles and his mom, their financial conditions were unstable. Yet, Raihan didn’t give up and transformed the immense tragedy of his life into his source of inspiration. He writes with the pen wedged in between his mouth and his elbow and does all of his work on his own. He has been interviewed in several online platforms and when asked how he was able to do all of these, he stated that he wanted to set an example so that others can get inspired from him instead of giving up. Our wonder, Raihan, also hopes to give back to the community through his activities.
When I imagine myself in his place, I think that it wouldn’t have been possible for me to journey this far. But it was Raihan who took this dangerous trip, for himself, due to his sheer will and the unbreakable determination he had. However, his transition and journey was not easy.

Something that I always dislike hearing is, “That’s impossible.” Instead I say, “Even the word ‘impossible’ itself says I am possible.” Bahar Uddin Raihan is a living proof of this.
Follow Bahar Uddin Raihan here to stay updated about him.
Khabar Lagbe can be downloaded from PlayStore through this link.
Kemne Jabo can be downloaded from PlayStore through this link.
Bahar Uddin Raihan’s Facebook page and his Facebook lives.